Mármores e Granitos de Qualidade

Transforme seus espaços com elegância e sofisticação.

Revestimentos Elegantes
Detalhes Arquitetônicos
Acabamentos Personalizados

Tradição e Elegância

Com mais de 45 anos de experiência no mercado de mármores e granitos em Belo Horizonte, a Marmoraria Monte Sião se destaca pelo compromisso com a excelência, oferecendo materiais de primeira qualidade e um acabamento impecável.

Além de trabalhar com mármores e granitos, também oferecemos uma seleção exclusiva de quartzitos – pedras naturais que combinam resistência e sofisticação – e pedras artificiais, como quartzos, ideais para quem busca modernidade, uniformidade de cor e alta durabilidade.

Nosso objetivo vai além da venda de pedras naturais: buscamos transformar sonhos em realidade, criando ambientes sofisticados, duráveis e elegantes. Cada projeto é feito com precisão e dedicação, garantindo beleza e funcionalidade para sua casa ou empresa

Nossos Serviços

Oferecemos mármores e granitos de alta qualidade para projetos sofisticados e duráveis.


Transformamos espaços com revestimentos de mármore e granito, unindo beleza e resistência em cada projeto.

A close-up view of a smooth, creamy beige marble surface featuring intricate patterns and natural veining that give it a luxurious appearance.
A close-up view of a smooth, creamy beige marble surface featuring intricate patterns and natural veining that give it a luxurious appearance.
Bancadas Personalizadas

Criamos bancadas sob medida, combinando elegância e funcionalidade com materiais de alto padrão.

Detalhes Arquitetônicos

Sofisticação para cada ambiente
A dark marble surface featuring intricate patterns and veining with a combination of earthy and white tones. The texture is smooth with natural cracks and a polished finish.
A dark marble surface featuring intricate patterns and veining with a combination of earthy and white tones. The texture is smooth with natural cracks and a polished finish.
Textured surface with an intricate pattern of gray and white marble veining. The natural stone shows a detailed, organic flow of veins creating a complex and elegant appearance.
Textured surface with an intricate pattern of gray and white marble veining. The natural stone shows a detailed, organic flow of veins creating a complex and elegant appearance.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

A qualidade e sofisticação dos produtos transformaram meu espaço de forma incrível. Recomendo a todos!

João Silva

A close-up view of a marble surface featuring intricate gray veining patterns on a white background. The texture appears smooth and polished, with natural variations in the stone creating a sense of elegance and luxury.
A close-up view of a marble surface featuring intricate gray veining patterns on a white background. The texture appears smooth and polished, with natural variations in the stone creating a sense of elegance and luxury.

Excelente atendimento e materiais de alto padrão. Estou muito satisfeito com o resultado final!

Maria Lima

A close-up view of a natural stone slab exhibiting swirling, intricate patterns in shades of dark green and white. The marble-like surface displays a mixture of veins and speckles, creating an abstract texture.
A close-up view of a natural stone slab exhibiting swirling, intricate patterns in shades of dark green and white. The marble-like surface displays a mixture of veins and speckles, creating an abstract texture.

Projetos Exclusivos

Transformamos espaços com beleza e requinte em cada projeto.

A close-up view of a dark marble surface featuring intricate white veining patterns. The texture appears smooth with a glossy finish. The marble displays a natural, earthy color palette.
A close-up view of a dark marble surface featuring intricate white veining patterns. The texture appears smooth with a glossy finish. The marble displays a natural, earthy color palette.

Soluções sofisticadas para ambientes internos e externos.

A detailed texture of dark marble with intricate white veining patterns running throughout the surface. The natural stone exhibits multiple shades of black and gray, creating an elegant and sophisticated appearance.
A detailed texture of dark marble with intricate white veining patterns running throughout the surface. The natural stone exhibits multiple shades of black and gray, creating an elegant and sophisticated appearance.

Design único e funcionalidade para sua cozinha ou banheiro.

A round, white marble dish sits on a square, white marble slab with a smooth surface. Subtle gray veins and small specks are visible across the marble, enhancing its natural texture.
A round, white marble dish sits on a square, white marble slab with a smooth surface. Subtle gray veins and small specks are visible across the marble, enhancing its natural texture.
A close-up of a marble surface featuring intricate cracks and veining patterns in shades of orange, beige, and light gray. The texture appears smooth with natural imperfections, creating a visually interesting and organic design.
A close-up of a marble surface featuring intricate cracks and veining patterns in shades of orange, beige, and light gray. The texture appears smooth with natural imperfections, creating a visually interesting and organic design.

Acabamentos de alta qualidade para áreas de grande circulação.


Soluções criativas que valorizam a estética do seu projeto.

white table cloth on table


Entre em contato para transformar seu espaço com elegância